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Personal Development and SMSC


Personal Development Curriculum (PDC)

EOTAS understands that all pupils have individual needs and are at different stages of their educational journey and with this in mind are able to offer a Personal Development Curriculum tailored to their specific needs. The Personal Development Curriculum encompasses elements of the SMSC policy and PHSCE provision in order to prepare pupils for life outside school and give them a rounded world view. Alongside our PSHCE and SMSC,  we incorporate many other aspects that support a young person's personal growth and development, including safeguarding,  mentoring, Thrive, ELSA, Speech and Language therapy and PiXL edge.  These are delivered as part of the weekly curriculum offer,  and as work shops (internally and through guest speakers and facilitators), trips, visits and residential experiences.

LORIC points (Leadership; Organisation; Resilience; Initiative and Communication) are used in the classroom to to reinforce the message about how important these key skills are, in conjunction with academic progress and attainment.

On entry to EOTAS the Personal Development Curriculum aims to ensure that pupils

  • Are matched with a package that allows them to succeed
  • Are matched with a package that best suits their individual needs
  • Are given the opportunity to show personal growth
  • Are given tools to enable them to be flourish in school and in the wider community

Pupils across the Colleges have access to a range of packages designed to reflect pupil need and offer opportunity for continued personal development. Placement, and the exact nature of the programme, is discussed and agreed at Entry Panel, Integration meetings and with the involvement of student, parents, partner schools and the SENCO.


PSHCE is delivered by the form tutors and the aim is to equip students for life. There is an emphasis on raising self-esteem and awareness of the world around us and considering society, politics and the nature of good citizenship.

We also arrange collapsed days/sessions when outside agencies come into school to work with the students. Students also discuss current news issues during form time and assemblies are themed to promote British Values and SMSC.

The aim of the PSHCE sessions is also to improve the school community and students' personal skills by looking at communication skills and treating ourselves and others with respect. There is an emphasis on creating a safe and inclusive environment where everyone is valued.